where trouble was needed

July 8, 2014

Breastmilk bank in Mumbai

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aravinda @ 10:56 am

After 25 Years, Modest Gains at Mumbai Breast Milk Bank



Affordable health care starts with breastfeeding – it makes good sense for the government to support efforts to ensure that babies get breast milk and that mothers get support to overcome difficulties, believe in themselves, and breastfeed their young.

Simply knowing that there are people willing to donate milk for those in need will boost a young mother’s confidence and also help to increase people’s respect and appreciation for the value of mother’s milk. So much of the public and corporate messaging devalues it and makes it seem as if it is not worth the effort to solve problems that may arise.

I hope that greater awareness also comes to hospitals to follow the WHO Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative and the International Code and the corresponding Indian laws regarding formula distribution / promotion and also to doctors to follow the World Health Organization Guidelines, recommending six months exclusive breastfeeding and at least two years of complementary breastfeeding. We must also see that the government enforces the International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes and the IMS Act, bans the offending advertisements, and punishes corporations that are violating it every day.

Had I known about this milk bank when my daughter was nursing I would have donated milk as well. May the bank serve more mothers and families and may more governments and hospitals follow suit.

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