where trouble was needed

May 23, 2014

Affordable health care begins with breastfeeding

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aravinda @ 10:30 pm

Response to

Most Women Can’t Afford to Breastfeed

The New York TImes

Cynthia Colen is an assistant professor of sociology at the Ohio State University.

MAY 22, 2014

Affordable health care begins with breastfeeding. Look at the countries with the most positive health indicators and you will see that they also provide for at least 6-12 months of maternity leave, along with reasonable working hours and dignified working conditions for all.

Formula is a precursor for packaged foods. Breastfeeding children learn the taste of real foods. Breastfeeding is the foundation of healthy eating and lifelong health. If we care about our health, our food and our economy we should recognize the importance of breastfeeding and all of the work parents do and make it possible to balance the work on various fronts. Maternity leave is not such a difficult thing to implement if you recognize its value. Neither is flex-time, part-time and other ways to balance work in the home and in the office. Instead we see everyone working increased hours and prices rising – we are on a treadmill that benefits no one.

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