where trouble was needed

May 14, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aravinda @ 11:48 am

Hi – I do support Hillary Clinton for pres. I do not support her belligerent statement on Iran and I agree it is a problem that she voted for the war, cozied up with Walmart, etc. Before the primaries eliminated the other candidates I did not support her – I supported Kucinich, whose chances are only slightly more than Nader, whom I would also support.  And Winona LaDuke, for whom I hope I ever get the chance to campaign.

But I do think she is more capable than Obama of doing the things she says she will do. Her recent statement on white people was not a gaffe, I think that she is just stating the fact: that Obama needs the white vote to win. If the statement angers enough black AND white people that they get out and vote for him, that is good. I think she is staying in the race because she wants to win but ALSO because she wants Democrats to win. Her staying in the race is probably increasing support for Obama more than for herself, which he needs in order to win. At this point it seems almost impossible that she would be the nominee. Some people say that this campaign has eroded the shine and both of them are too worn out for the general election while McCain is fresh and thus more competitive. But I think that if they can overcome that and actually win, the fact that they had to campaign so hard should actually force them to work more responsibly and accountably once they are in office.   At least that is the theory.

Given the sorry Democratic record of late I am losing hope that they will do anything even if they do win but I also hope that becaue this campaign activated so many people they will play a more active role as citizens to keep our elected reps on their toes, to know that we are watching, questioning,and expecting intelligent and responsible action from them.

Perhaps even Clinton was under – prepared for the degree of sexism she would be facing, or simply thought she could best it without having to say the dirty word … but it became clearer as time went on.  The other day a man told me, “Men don’t like Hillary Clinton, that is why she can’t win.  But it is not because she is a woman, it is just her.  I would vote for a woman tomorrow.  Just not Hillary Clinton.”  In a way I can believe him, or at least believe that he believes what he is saying.  But the issue is so complicated.  Still I feel a lump in my throat each time she says, “and they hold up their child and show them, see you can be anything!”

May 9, 2008

Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aravinda @ 5:59 pm

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